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mount merapi is very dazzle

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Kraton Yogyakarta

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sadranan beach very beautiful beach

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siung beach with white sand

siung is very beautiful, click this picture for read siung beach

parangtritis with high waves

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Prambanan beautiful temple in Indonesia

Prambanan is incredibly beautiful building built in the 10th century during the reign of two kings, Rakai Rakai Pikatan and Balitung. Rose as high as 47 feet (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire to show Hindu triumph in Java Island. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center, in the middle of the area that is now a beautiful park.

There is a legend that Javanese people always tell about this temple. Once, a man named Roro Jonggrang Bondowoso love. Because of his love, Jonggrang asked Bondowoso make 1000 temples with statues in one night. The request was nearly fulfilled Jonggrang asked the villagers to pound rice and make a big fire that created an atmosphere like the morning. Bondowoso who only completed 999 statues cursed into a statue to Jonggrang-1000 because he felt cheated.

Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. These three temples are symbols of Trimurti in Hindu belief. The third temple is facing east. Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Swan to Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. In addition, there are two temples wedge, 4 temples color, and 4 corner temples. In the second had 224 temples.

Entering Shiva temple located in the middle and the highest building, you will find a room 4. One main room with a statue of Shiva, while the other 3 chambers each containing a statue of Durga (Shiva's wife), Agastya (Shiva's teacher), and Ganesha (the son of Shiva). Durga is mentioned as a statue of Roro Jonggrang described in the legend above.

In the Vishnu temple is located in the north of the temple of Shiva, you will only find one room with a statue of Vishnu. Brahma temple, which lies south of Shiva temple, you will only find one room with a statue of Brahma.

Quite attractive accompanying temple is Garuda temple located near the Vishnu temple. This temple keeps a story of half-bird called Garuda. Garuda is a mythical bird in Hindu mythology who was gold, white face, red wings, beak and wings like eagles. Estimated, figure is Hindu adaptation of Bennu figure (meaning 'sunrise' or 'shining', associated with the god Re) in ancient Egyptian mythology or Phoenix in Greek mythology. Garuda succeeded in saving his mother from the curse of Aruna (Garuda's brother who was born handicapped) by stealing Tirta Amrita (holy water of the gods).

Ability to save that which is admired by many people until now and are used for various purposes. Indonesia uses the symbol of the state. That said, the emblem of Garuda Pancasila creator for inspiration in this temple. Other countries also use it to sign the country is Thailand, with the same reason but different form adaptation and appearance. In Thailand, Garuda is known as Krut or Pha Krut.

Prambanan also has panels of relief describing the story of Ramayana. According to experts, the relief is similar to the Ramayana story is revealed through oral tradition. Another interesting relief is Kalpataru tree that the Hindu religion is considered as a tree of life, sustainability and environmental compatibility. At the Prambanan reliefs depicted Kalpataru trees flanking the lion. The existence of this tree makes experts consider that the people of the 9th century had wisdom to manage its environment.

Just like the figure of Garuda, Kalpataru is now also used for various purposes. In Indonesia, Kalpataru became a symbol of Environment (Walhi). In fact, some scientists in Bali to develop the concept of Tri Hita Karana for environmental conservation by seeing Kalpataru relief in this temple. Tree of life can also be found in the mountains that used to open the puppet arts. A proof that the relief panels in Prambanan has worldwide.

If careful, you can also see various birds relief, this time a real bird. Bird reliefs at Prambanan are so natural that biologists can identify to genus level. One was relief of Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) that invites questions. Why, the bird was actually just there Masakambing Island, an island in the Java Sea. Then, whether the type that was once widely available in Yogyakarta? Please find out yourself. Because, until now no single person who could solve the mystery.

Well, there are many more that can be extracted at Prambanan. You certainly should not be bored. If it was finally exhausted, you can relax in the garden around the temple. Interested? Come immediately. Since September 18, 2006, you can enter a zone of Prambanan, although not yet able to enter the temple. Some of the damage caused by the earthquake last May 27, 2006 are now being repaired.

Script: Yunanto Wiji Utomo
read in Indonesian

Cara membuat PCB

Cara membuat PCB berikut ini menurut pengalaman adalah cara yang paling praktis, selain biayanya sangat murah, hasilnya juga tidak kalah menarik dan rapi dibanding dengan cara menulis langsung dengan spidol permanen, Sablon (Rugos atau sablon cat), atau pakai media Transfer Paper (original) yang harganya lumayan mahal.
Sebagian besar orang mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi dengan metode ini, namun bagi yang belum terbiasa tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba, apalagi saat sekarang perancangan jalur PCB telah sangat mudah dilakukan dengan komputer.

Bahan-bahan dan peralatan yang harus disiapkan adalah :

1. Printer Laser Jet (Tinta Toner) jika tidak ada bisa memakai hasil Foto Copy-an

2. Kertas (bekas) Kalender dinding yang tidak kusut

3. Papan PCB

4. Amplas kertas halus (abrasive paper)

5. Setrika listrik

6. Ferri Cloride (FeCl3)

7. Bor PCB

8. Pisau (Cutter)

9. Penggaris (stainless steel)

10. Spidol permanent (jika diperlukan)

11. Komputer + salah satu Software (TraxMaker, Protel, Eagle, DipTrace, ExpressPCB dsb. )

Pemindahan jalur ke papan PCB

• Gambar dari Program PCB diprint ke kertas bekas Kalender (tentunya disisi yang masih kosong, usahakan kertas kalender dipilih yang masih bersih).

• Jika printer Toner tidak ada, maka bisa di print ke kertas biasa lalu di Foto Copy, tapi hasil Foto Copynya (Target) harus diatas kertas Kalender.

• Setelah ter-print ke kertas kalender dan memastikan tidak ada jalur yang putus, guntinglah gambar PCB tersebut kira-kira 2-3mm diluar garis gambar.

• Potong PCB dengan pisau Cutter seukuran gambar PCB yang baru saja di-print,
ratakan pinggiran PCB sampai rata dan tidak tajam.

• Ampelas seluruh permukaan PCB sambil dibasahi dengan air, lakukan proses
pengampelasan dengan cara memutar searah jarum jam sampai bersih, lalu keringkan.

• Panaskan Setrika, set pengatur panas kira-kira 1/4.

• Posisikan gambar PCB diatas papan PCB, jalur PCB (tinta Toner) menghadap ke papan PCB (tembaga).

• Diatas kertas kalender lapisi dengan kertas biasa, agar Text yg ada di kalender
tidak menempel ke permukaan Setrika.

• Tekan Setrika agak kuat diatas kerta kalender yang sudah dilapisi dgn kertas biasa
tadi sampai kira-kira 30 detik sampai gambar menempel ke papan PCB dan lakukan
penggosokan secara merata ke permukaan yg lain.

• Waktu yang diperlukan selama proses setrika +/- 3 menit, jangan sampai lebih dari
4 menit karena jika terlalu lama biasanya gambar akan melebar/pudar.

• Setelah kertas kalender menempel ke PCB lalu dinginkan papan PCB dengan cara
di angin-anginkan, jangan sekali-kali langsung direndam ke air atau diblow dengan
udara dingin / AC, gambar (toner) bisa terkelupas sewaktu masuk pada proses

• Jika sudah benar-benar dingin, rendam papan PCB ke dalam air selama +/- 15 s/d
30 menit, tergantung dari tebal/tipisnya kertas kalender, hingga kertas kalender
nampak basah pada permukaan bagian dalam, biasanya jika menggunakan kertas
kalender yang tipis, kertas akan terkelupas (mengapung) dengan sendirinya.

• Lepaskan kertas kalender pelan-pelan dengan tangan sampai gambar/jalur nampak, lalu sedikit-demi sedikit bersihkan sisa-sisa kertas yang masih nempel dengan bantuan sikat gigi bekas, terutama kertas yang nempel pada bagian lubang/pads komponen dan diantara jalur-jalur sampai bersih.

• Jika terdapat jalur yang putus, baru gunakan Spidol permanent untuk membantu menyambungnya.

Proses pelarutan PCB.

• Masukkan Ferric Cloride (FeCl3) secukupnya ke dalam wadah plastic (paling tidak 1 bungkus kemasan), dan masukkan air panas/hangat secukupnya +/- 100ml (1/2 gelas), sampai seluruhnya lebur dengan air.

• Masukkan papan PCB kedalam larutan Ferri Cloride (FeCl3) tadi, dan agar prosesnya lebih cepat, bantu dengan cara menggoyang-goyang wadahnya .

• Sambil diamati jika papan PCB sudah seluruhnya lebur, maksudnya tembaga yang tidak tertutup oleh gambar/toner, maka angkat papan PCB dan bersihkan dengan
air yang mengalir (air kran).

• Untuk membersihkan gambar/toner, gosokan amplas pelan-pelan sambil disiram air kran sampai benar-benar bersih.

• Periksa kembali apakah terdapat jalur yang putus.

• Bor papan PCB sesuai besarnya kaki komponen (0,8mm s/d 1,5mm)

• Bersihkan papan PCB.

• Papan PCB siap untuk dipasang komponen.

smoga bermanfaat sengihnampakgigi

Thursday, November 17, 2011

download permainan otak -Quiz parampa

ini lah game bermutu buatan anak negeri.. ya namanya quiz parampa,,didalamnya kita diberi pertanyaan 100 butir,setiap butir berarti satu level..orang yang bisa menjawabnya adalah orang orang yang jenius saja..klik disini untuk mendownloadnya

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Zuma Deluxe game this one is probably already widely known, other than an easy way to play this game sometimes can also make gregetan players. This time I want to try to share the game Zuma Deluxe 3 Full Version, click here to download

what is a microcontroller ???

Microcontroller is a functional computer system on a chip. It contains a processor core, memory (a small amount of RAM, program memory, or both), and input-output equipment.

In other words, the microcontroller is a digital electronic device that has inputs and outputs and controls with a program that can be written and erased in a special way, the workings of the actual microcontroller to read and write data. Just an example, imagine yourself as you begin to learn to read and write, when you can already do that you can read any good books, short stories, articles and so on, and you also can also write things otherwise. Similarly, if you are already adept at reading and writing data then you can create a program to create an automatic regulation system using a microcontroller according to your wishes. On-chip microcontroller is a computer used to control electronic equipment, which emphasizes efficiency and cost effectiveness. It literally can be called "little control" in which an electronic system that previously many require supporting components such as TTL and CMOS ICs can be reduced / minimized and eventually centralized and controlled by the microcontroller this.

Mikrokonktroler used in products and tools that are controlled automatically, such as engine control systems, remote controls, office machines, home appliances, heavy equipment, and toys. By reducing the size, cost and power consumption compared to the design using microprocessor memory, input and output are separate devices, microcontrollers make the presence of electrical controls for the various processes become more economical. By using this microcontroller then:

· An electronic system will be more concise

· Design of electronic systems will be faster because most of the system is software that is easily modified

· Search disorders more easily traced because the system is compact

However, the microcontroller can not completely reduce the TTL and CMOS IC components are often still required for high speed applications, or simply increase the number of input channels and output (I / O). In other words, the microcontroller is a mini or micro version of a computer that already contains some of the peripheral microcontroller which can be used directly, for example a parallel port, serial port, comparators, digital to analog conversion (DAC), analog to digital conversion and so only use the system minimum that is not complicated or complex.

In order for a microcontroller to function, then the microcontroller will require external components are then referred to the minimum system requirements. To make the system required a minimum of at least the system clock and reset, although in some cases already provides a system microcontroller internal clock, so that without any external microcontroller circuit is operational.

To design a microcontroller-based system, we need hardware and software, namely:

1. minimal system microcontroller

2. software programming and compiler, and downloader

The definition of a minimal system is a microcontroller circuit which can already be used to run an application. A microcontroller IC tidakakan means if just stand alone. Basically a minimal system of AVR microcontrollers have the same principle, which consists of four parts, namely:

1. processors, namely the microcontroller itself

2. reset circuit for microcontroller can run the program starting from scratch

3. clock circuit, which is used to provide pulses in the CPU

4. power supply circuit, which is used to provide resources

In particular jenis2 microcontroller (AVR for example), point2 at No. 2, 3 is already available in the microcontroller with a frequency that has been setup from the vendor (usually 1MHz, 2MHz, 4MHz, 8MHz), so users do not need to require an additional circuit, but if you want to design systems with certain specifications (eg like communication with a PC or mobile phone), then the user must use a clock circuit according to the characteristics of a PC or HP, usually using a 11.0592 MHz crystal, to produce appropriate communication with baud rate of PC or HP.

Borobudur temple in Indonesia

Borobudur temple is located in Magelang, Central Java, about 40 km from Yogyakarta. Borobudur has 10 levels consisting of 6 levels of a square, 3 levels of circular and a main stupa as a peak. At every level there are several stupas. Altogether there are 72 stupas in addition to the main stupa. In every stupa there is a statue of Buddha. Ten levels of Buddhist philosophy the ten levels of Bodhisattva who must pass to reach the perfection of the Buddha in nirvana. Perfection is denoted by the main stupa at the top level. Borobudur structure when viewed from above form a mandala structure that describes the Buddhist cosmology and human thinking.

On the fourth side of the temple there is the gate and stairs to the level above it like a pyramid. This illustrates the Buddhist philosophy that all life came from rocks. Stone later became the sand, then a plant, then the insects, then become a wild animal and pets, and finally became a man. This process is known as reincarnation. The last process is to be the soul and finally into nirvana. Each stage in the process of enlightenment is based on the Buddhist philosophy of life depicted in the reliefs and sculptures in the temple of Borobudur.

This huge building just a giant pile of stone blocks which have a total height of 42 meters. Each stone spliced ​​without using cement or adhesive. These stones are simply spliced ​​based on the pattern and stacked. The base of Borobudur temple is about 118 m on each side. The stones used approximately 55,000 cubic meters. All the stones were taken from the river around the Borobudur Temple. These stones are cut and then transported and connected with a pattern like a lego game. All without using glue or cement.

While the relief began to be made after the stones are stacked and jointed finish. Reliefs found on the temple walls. Borobudur has 2670 different relief. Relief is read clockwise. This relief illustrates a story that I read it starts and ends at the gate to the east. This suggests that the main gate facing east Borobudur like most other Buddhist temples.

Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia very nice place

Kintamani, which is located in Bangli district, is one of the favorite tourist attractions tourist options both domestically and abroad.

Generally in almost any travel agent or tour operator in Bali, Kintamani entry in the itinerary (travel route) after visiting the Moon Stone (Barong Dance), the tourist area of ​​Ubud or Sukawati as a shopping center.

Kintamani offers a fresh atmosphere of the hills with temperatures around 18 degrees Celsius, much like the air in Bedugul. The main attraction of the region is a view of Mount Kintamani and Lake Batur. Mount Batur is a mountain that is still active status and the second highest after Mount Agung at Besakih. The best atmosphere is when enjoy lunch while enjoying the beauty of lake and mountain belching smoke friendly.

Interested in knowing more about Kintamani? Also a time to yourself to visit the village Trunyan located near the lake. But you have to cross by boat to get there by traveling approximately 20 minutes. The interesting and unique is the way the funeral locals certainly different from the prevalence in Bali. The bodies were buried without leaning against the tree. But the issue is not unique body odor because neutralized by the smell of fragrant wood called incense.

how? Interesting is not it? so welcome to Indonesia in Bali in particular, and enjoy your vacation.

The growing presence of ultrasound Proven in the Field of Information Technology and Medical

Currently the development of the technology world is growing rapidly especially in the IT world. The development of the IT world impact on the development of various aspects of human life. One aspect that affected the development effects of the IT world it is the medical field. Today modern medicine have made use of information technology development to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in the health sector. One example of the application of IT in the health world is the use of medical devices that use a computer application, one of which is Ultra Sonography, or commonly referred to as ultrasound.

Ultrasound is itself a tool in the medical field by using ultrasonic waves, ie sound waves that have a high frequency (250 kHz - 2000 kHz), which then results are displayed in the monitor screen.

In its development from the initial ultrasound was found and created till now widely has increased very good. At first invention ultrasound device was inspired by the discovery of Robert Watson-Watt who invented the radar in 1953 and the discovery of metal detection by Sergei Sokolov Y in 1928, and in 1920 began working principle of ultrasonic waves are applied in the health field. The use of ultrasound in medicine was first applied for the benefit of therapy is not to diagnose a disease. In this case the exploited is the ability of ultrasonic waves in destroying the cells or malicious network is then widely applied also to cure other diseases.

In 1949, John Julian Wild, English surgeon collaborated with John Reid, a technician from the National Cancer Institute. They conduct investigations on cancer cells by means of ultrasonic. Several types of tools made for the benefit of those investigations, among others, B-mode ultrasound, the transducer / scanner tool. The principle of the device refers to a radar system.

Some of the results of advanced research of considerable significance in the field of obstetrics gynecology, among others, the discovery of a method of determining fetal size, transducer technology / digital scanners, transducers two-dimensional and three-dimensional image of modern-producing tissue that is more focused, and fetal sex determination in the womb. Digital transducer technology around the 1990's allowing the received ultrasonic wave signal produces an image of the body tissues more clearly. The discovery of computers in the mid-1990 is obviously very helpful this technology. Transducer used consists of a transducer producing a two dimensional or three dimensional. Thanks to the discovery of the present invention is that ultrasound is a common tool that we encounter in various public hospitals can thrive in such a way until now.

In the utilization of ultrasound used in various fields including the medical sector:

1. Cardiology

Ultrasound images used to determine a patient's heart, detects blood flow to the heart, and others.

2. Endocrinology

To detect diseases of the gastrointestinal secretion and the endocrine system.

3. Gastroenterology

To detect the disease arising in the digestive system

4. Gynecology and Obstetrics

To estimate the age of the womb and the estimated day of delivery, as well as detection of the disease content.

5. Urology

To detect the disease in the urethra or bladder.

And many more benefits of ultrasound in medical sector another, almost every disease can be detected through this ultrasound device.

Advantages of ultrasound compared to other equipment that is

1. There are no harmful side effects.

Which must be understood, ultrasound does not use radiation, but the sound waves that are relatively safe as long as done by an expert.

2. Detecting a disease that can not be detected by other devices.

Ultrasound can also be used to check for any abnormalities in particular tumor. If abnormalities arise as a lump, the USG will be detected if there are abnormalities, including malignant tumors, or vice versa.

As another ultrasound equipment also has shortcomings, shortcomings that include:

1. Not 100% Accurate

Accuracy / precision of ultrasound is not 100%, but 80%. That is, there is the possibility of inherited disorders / disability in patients who were not detected. It is influenced by several factors, among others:

Ø Expertise / competence of the examining physician.

Not all gynecologists can properly operate the ultrasound equipment.

Ø Position the baby

Position of the baby such as stomach or curl up also makes it difficult for coverage / penetration of ultrasound equipment.

Ø Multiple pregnancies

The condition also makes it difficult twin pregnancy ultrasound of each state to see a baby in detail.

Ø The sharpness / resolution ultrasound equipment was not good.

Ø In the case of ultrasound pregnancy, gestational age below 20 weeks, amniotic little water can inhibit the performance of this tool.

Ø Location abnormalities, such as tumors in the abdominal area during fetal gestational age below 20 weeks is rather difficult to detect.

2. An irritation on sensitive skin as a result of the gel (fluid ultrasound)

This - the above can be minimized such as by:

1. Improved performance of ultrasound equipment

Keep holding back the development of such tools and also an increase in employment of these tools.

2. Ultrasound training for equipment operators

Training to these operators is very important, because it also affects the age of ultrasound equipment and ultrasound results also berpengarung against. So expect the existence of such training can improve service to patients.

3. Selection of an appropriate gel to the skin of the patient.

This gel is very important election for the convenience of the patient so the patient does not experience skin irritation.

Apart from the lack of these shortcomings is a tool of ultrasound in medicine that uses ultrasonic waves that can be a solution in the diagnosis of disease and is fit for use in the medical field and used in advanced research studies.

Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Read Resistor Value

A common type of resistor is shaped copper tube with two feet on the left and right. In body shape is a circle of color-coded wristbands to facilitate users recognize without measuring the magnitude of the resistance with an ohmmeter.

The color code is the manufacturing standards issued by the EIA (Electronic Industries Association) as shown in the following table. I think for a service technician knows how to read the value of the resistor is mandatory.

Immediately, the following is the resistor color table, complete with readings at each of the color bands:

How to read resistor color codes Resistor Value
Resistance read from the color of the bracelet the most forward in the direction of tolerance band is brown, red, gold or silver. Usually this tolerance color band resistor body is at most corner or also with a width that is more prominent, while the first color of the bracelet is a bit inward.

Thus the user already knows how direct tolerance of the resistor. If you have been able to determine where the first band to read next is the resistance value.

The number of circular bands on the resistor in accordance with generally greater tolerance. Usually the resistor with a tolerance of 5%, 10% or 20% have 3 bands (excluding band tolerance).

But the resistor with a tolerance of 1% or 2% (small tolerance) has 4 bracelets (not including bracelet tolerance).

The first bracelet and so on in succession shows a large value of the unit, and the latter is a factor pengalinya bracelets. For example resistor with bands of yellow, violet, red and gold. Gold bracelet is a bracelet tolerance.

Thus the sequence of color bands resitor this is the first bracelet yellow, violet colored wristbands second and third red bracelet. The fourth bracelet of course a gold-colored bracelet and this is tolerance. From table-1 is unknown if the gold-colored bracelet tolerance, this has meant resitor tolerance of 5%. Resistansisnya value calculated in accordance with the order of the color.

The first is to determine the unit value of this resistor. Because these resistors resitor 5% (which usually has three bands in addition to bracelets tolerance), then the unit value is determined by the band's first and second bands.

Still from Table-1 unknown value = 2 red bangles and bracelets green value = 5. So the first and second bracelet or yellow and violet respectively, the unit value is 25.

The third bracelet is a multiplier, and if the color orange bracelet meaning pengalinya factor is 1000. So with this unknown resistor value is the value of units x multiplier or 25 x 1000 = 25k Ohm and the tolerance is 5%. Other specifications to consider in choosing resitor on a draft of the resistance is greater than its wattage. Because the resistors working with electrified, it will be a power dissipation of heat for W = I2R watts.

The larger the physical size of a resistor can show the greater ability of the resistor power dissipation. Generally in the market available sizes 1 / 8, 1 / 4, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 watts. Resistor which has a power dissipation of 5, 10 and 20 watts are generally elongated rectangular-shaped cubic white, but some are cylindrical.
thank you hopefully useful kenyit

sundak enchanting beach hearts

The beach is located in the village Sundak Sidoharjo, District Tepus, Gunungkidul District, Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY). Sundak Beach at the easternmost end of a row of beaches Baron, Krakal, Kukup. This beach is relatively natural, beautiful with the dominance of blue sea and white sand beaches. Coast Sundak very interesting places to visit in the morning or late afternoon. Sunset and sunrise in this beach does offer spectacular natural scenery. The beach is relatively quiet this will probably offer something that appeals to you who desire a peace. Sundak not as famous beach beach baron, but for people who want to find the tranquility of the beach Sundak is the right choice. Sheets of white sand stretching along the shore, waiting for the whisper of waves hit, as if to give comfort and tranquility for those who desire it.

The tourists
will be pampered with a beauty of the wind waves which deliver tuk making out with sand, so patiently waiting for her lover. The results of Baron wealth as large shrimp (lobster), white pomfret fish, snapper, tuna are ready to pamper guests, both of which are still fresh and ready to eat. As a Recommendation, the menu mainstay here is Sop Kakap.

Sundak name name is a blend between ASU and the porcupine. Starting from the fight between ASU (dog) and porcupine. Pergelutan who left a trail for residents about the existence of a cave with a source of fresh water in it.

One moment is shockingly not miss the Sea Alms Ceremony organized by the local fishing community in the calendar each month suro Java, as an expression of gratitude to Almighty God for an abundance of seafood that has been given.

mount merapi tour

Mount Merapi is the youngest mountain in the volcanic sequence that leads to the south of Mount Ungaran. The mountain is formed by the subduction zone of activity in the Indo-Australian Plate is moving under the Eurasian Plate to cause the appearance of volcanic activity along the central part of Java Island. The peak is now overgrown with vegetation is not because of high volcanic activity. This peak grows in the southwest side of the peak of Mount Batulawang older.

The process of formation of Mount Merapi has been studied and published since 1989 and so on. Berthomier, a French scholar, divided into four stages of development of Merapi. The first stage is the Pre-Merapi (up to 400,000 years ago), namely the Mountain Aunt parts can still be seen on the east side of the peak of Merapi. Stage occurs when the Old Merapi Merapi began to take shape but not conical (60000-8000 years ago). The remains of this phase is Turgo Hill and Hill Plawangan in the south, which is formed of basaltic lava. Next is the Middle Merapi (8000 - 2000 years ago), characterized by the formation of high peaks, like Mount Gajahmungkur and Batulawang, which is composed of andesite lava. During the formation process is characterized by lava flows, brecciation of lava and hot clouds. Activities are effusive eruptions of Merapi has (melt) and explosive. It is estimated that explosive eruptions also occurred with the collapse of material toward the west that left the horseshoe morphology with a length 7 km, a width of 1-2 km with a few hills on the western slope. Pasarbubar crater (or Pasarbubrah) predicted to form at this time. Merapi peak current, peak Anyar, just beginning to form around 2000 years ago. During its development, is known to occur several times an explosive eruption with VEI 4 based on observations tefra layer.

Characteristics of eruption since 1953 is the insistence of lava into the summit crater is accompanied by periodic lava dome collapse and pyroclastic formation (nuee ardente) which can slide on the slopes or vertically upward. The eruption of Merapi type is generally not a sound but the hiss of the explosion. Dome top which existed until 2010 was the result of ongoing process since the eruption of gas in 1969.

Geologists in 2006 detected a giant space beneath Merapi containing materials such as mud that is "significantly impede the vibration wave earthquake". Scientists estimate that the material is magma. The bags are part of the magma that formed due to the formation of the Indo-Australian Plate menghunjamnya under the Eurasian Plate .
The peak of Merapi in 1930.

Small eruptions occur every 2-3 years, and the larger about 10-15 years. Merapi eruptions recorded a big impact in the year 1006 (allegations), 1786, 1822, 1872, and 1930. The eruption in the year 1006 makes the whole enveloped in the central part of Java Island ash, based on observations of volcanic ash deposits. Dutch geologist van Bemmelen, theorizes that the eruption caused the center of the Kingdom of Medang (Mataram) should be moved to East Java. The eruption in 1872 is considered as the strongest eruption in modern geological record with VEI scale reaches 3 to 4. Recent eruption, in 2010, is expected also to have power close to or equal. The eruption of 1930, which destroyed thirteen villages and killed 1400 people, is the biggest victims of the eruption with a record until now.

November 1994 eruption caused the hot clouds glide down until reaching some villages and claimed 60 human lives. July 19, 1998 eruption is quite large but pointing upwards so that no casualties. Note the last volcanic eruption was in 2001-2003 in the form of high activity are ongoing. In 2006 Mount Merapi high-return activities and had swallowed two lives Kaliadem volunteers in the region due to hit the brunt of the hot cloud. The series of eruptions in October and November 2010 were evaluated as the largest since the eruption in 1872 and claimed the lives of 273 people (as of 17 November 2010) , although it has imposed intensive observation and preparation for evacuation management. The eruption of 2010 also observed as a deviation from the eruption "Merapi type" because it is accompanied by explosive sounds and thunderous explosions that sounded up to a distance of 20-30 km.

The volcano is monitored non-stop by the Center for Observation of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta, assisted by various geophysical instruments telemetry around the mountaintop observation posts and a number of visual and seismic recorder in Ngepos (Srumbung), Babadan, and Ground.

Eruption 2006

In April and May 2006, began to appear signs that Merapi will erupt again, is characterized by earthquakes and deformation. The local government of Central Java and Yogyakarta have prepared evacuation efforts. Instructions also have been issued by both local governments so that residents living near Merapi immediately flee to places that have been provided.

On May 15, 2006 finally Merapi erupted. Then on June 4, it was reported that the volcanic activity has exceeded the alert status. Head of the Special Region of Yogyakarta BPPTK, Ratdomo Purbo explained that approximately 2 to 4 June the volume of the lava dome of Merapi has reached 4 million cubic meters - meaning that the lava has filled the whole capacity of the dome of Merapi lava bursts so that the latest addition will go right out of the dome of Merapi.

June 1st, rain of volcanic ash from Mount Merapi, hot clouds glide dense, three days later this happened and in Magelang Magelang regency, Central Java. Muntilan about 14 kilometers from the summit of Merapi, most felt this ash.

June 8, Mount Merapi erupted at 9:03 pm with a blast of hot clouds that made thousands of residents in the area of ​​the slopes of Mount Merapi panicked and attempted to flee to safety. Today recorded two eruptions of Merapi, a second eruption occurred at around 09:40 pm. A burst of hot clouds as far as 5 km further leads to the upper Kali Gendol (southern slopes) and destroyed most forests in the north Kaliadem in Sleman region.
[Edit] Eruption 2010
Main article for this section are: Eruption of Mount Merapi 2010

Increasing the status of "normal active" to "alert" on September 20, 2010 recommended by the Center for Investigation and Technological Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta. After about a month, on October 21, status changed to "idle" since at 18:00 pm. At this level of displacement activities have to be prepared. Because of increasing activity, indicated by a high frequency multiphase earthquakes and volcanic earthquakes, since 06.00 am October 25 BPPTK Yogyakarta tangggal recommends increasing the status of Mount Merapi to "alert" and all the inhabitants of the area within a radius of 10 km from the summit should be evacuated and evacuated to the region is safe.

The first eruption occurred at around 17:02 pm on 26 October. Occur until at least three times the eruption. Volcanic eruptions eject material as high as approximately 1.5 miles and accompanied the release of heat clouds which swept Kaliadem, Kepuharjo Village, District Cangkringan, Sleman. and killed 43 people, plus a baby from Magelang who died because of respiratory disorders.

Since then regurgitated hot clouds started happening on an irregular basis. Starting October 28, Mount Merapi spewed lava that appeared almost simultaneously with the discharge of hot clouds at 19:54 pm. Next start hotspots observed silence at the top on November 1, marking a new phase that the magma has reached the pit crater.

However, different from the character of Merapi typically, rather than the formation of a new lava dome, which in fact happened was increased activity bursts of lava and hot clouds since November 3. Explosive eruption of a major eruption began on the morning of Thursday, November 4, 2010, resulting in cloud fields as high as 4 km and bursts of hot clouds in different directions at the foot of Merapi. Furthermore, since about three o'clock in the afternoon eruption that will not cease until the evening and reached its peak in the early hours of Friday, November 5, 2010. Toward midnight, the radius of danger to all the places enlarged to 20 km from the summit. This series of eruptions and rumbling sounds to the city of Yogyakarta (distance about 27 km from the summit), Magelang and Wonosobo district center (distance 50 km). The rain of gravel and sand reach the northern city of Yogyakarta, while the thick rain of volcanic ash up Navan and Cilacap struck. In the afternoon, volcanic ash is known to have reached Tasikmalaya, Bandung, and Bogor.

Secondary hazards of cold lava flow also threatens the region lower on 4 November after heavy rains occur around the peak of Merapi. On November 5 of the Code in the region of Yogyakarta declared status "alert" (red alert).

Strong eruption 5 November followed by a high activity for about a week, before then there was a slight decrease in activity, but the security status remains "Caution". On 15 November 2010 to limit the danger radius of Magelang regency reduced to 15 km and for two other districts of Central Java to 10 km. Just for the District. Sleman that still remain in place 20 km radius of danger.

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